Longmont, Colorado, USA
18-22 June 2001
"2001: A Space Science Odyssey" is the title and theme of SCOSTEP's 10th Quadrennial STP Symposium scheduled for 18-22 June 2001, at the Rain Tree Plaza Conference Center, 1900 Ken Pratt Blvd., Longmont, Colorado, USA. The STP-10 meeting will be held jointly with the annual CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions) meeting that is sponsored by the US NSF. There is significant overlap between SCOSTEP and CEDAR interests. We anticipate some 600+ scientists and students will register and participate in the meetings. A joint web page is in preparation with detailed information about registration. There is a link from the SCOSTEP home page:
A joint program has been roughed out with SCOSTEP arranging one or more invited tutorial talks each day, these will be combined with solicited and contributed papers and poster sessions. In general, CEDAR will meet separately in workshop sessions each afternoon. An effort is being made to avoid parallel sessions except for CEDAR afternoon workshops.
Prof. Eugene Parker has accepted to give the Keynote tutorial talk opening the plenary session of STP-10 and CEDAR. In outline, the present STP-10 program is divided in the following areas:
Other SCOSTEP Meetings Around STP-10:
BUREAU Meeting(s): 16 June and 19 June 2001
The SCOSTEP Bureau will meet on Saturday, 16 June, and again on Tuesday evening, 19 June. The Saturday (16th) meeting is scheduled to be in Boulder, Colorado at the NCAR Mesa Facility, and the wrap-up meeting on Tuesday will be in Longmont at the Rain Tree Plaza Conference Hotel & Conference Center after that day's STP-10 sessions.
The biennial General Meeting of national Adherent Representatives, Scientific Discipline Representatives, Bureau members, program leaders, and others interested will be held in Boulder in the NCAR auditorium at the Mesa site on Sunday, 17 June 2001. This is the regular meeting of the SCOSTEP General Council held every two years. At these meetings the Bureau presents the 2-year budget, national STP reports are given, discipline representatives introduce discussion topics, and leaders of SCOSTEP scientific programs report accomplishments to the STP community.
The June 2001 General meeting is especially important because it takes place some 18 months before the end of all current SCOSTEP programs (e.g. S-RAMP, ISCS, PSMOS, and EPIC). We expect formal action to be taken by the SCOSTEP General Council on recommendations from the Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) concerning the future ISCS program(s) SCOSTEP will implement on behalf of ICSU bodies.
ISCS-2001 WORKSHOP: 13-16 June 2001
The International Solar Cycle Study (ISCS) will hold a major workshop at the Rain Tree Plaza Conference Center. A link to the ISCS home page is given at the SCOSTEP web site menu under Related Homepages.